Men With Younger Mates Produce More Children

A paper published in the Biology Letters of the Royal Society Publishing last August 2007 states that men with younger women as their partner tends to produce more offspring. And living in a society like what we have today, where the ability to procreate and produce better and healthier offsprings is a standard, it is just right that every man gets his fair share of children. According to the study, men who partner with women six years younger than themselves produce the most offspring. The study was conducted in Sweden through a careful analysis of the birth records for the past 5 decades. The results was astounding, revealing that men who had partners aged six years younger than themselves had the greatest number of children: about 2.2 children on average.

But as wonderful as it may sound, this may still be a problem with older who are suffering erectile dysfunction and male infertility. It doesn't matter whether a couple is of the right age gap, this dreaded illness can still hunt anyone on the male population.

However, it is just great news that there are a lot of medical innovations and researches that had been done to solve this problem. Studies and tests on laboratories have been conducted to make sure that man can still procreate without any problems. And one revolutionary product that came out as a result of all these researches is More-Sperm, one of the best dietary supplement available on the market to fight male infertility.

How it works is that More-Sperm promotes spermatogenesis, which is the production of sperm on men. It also improves testicular, epidydimal and seminal vesicle function that boosts the fertility. More-Sperm also increases LH-FSH producing basophill cells, thus improving the quality and quantity of the semen to make sure that it is fit for reproduction.

By just taking two tablets of More-Sperm for a span of six months, any guy, no matter how old he is, as long as he is capable of having sexual intercourse, will be able to become a stud that can definitely create healthy offspring. There are also no side effects when taking this product so everyone safety is assured.

More-Sperm, because every man deserves to be A MAN!

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