The Dreaded Erectile Dysfunction

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Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a sexual illness characterized by the inability of an man to develop or sustain an erection of his genitalia. ED, or also known as male impotence, may root from either physiological or psychological causes. The effects, however, of this abnormal sexual behavior on men have far more negative effects that include the physical, mental, emotional and social aspect of his life. That also includes people that are closely around a person suffering this illness. That is why it is just appropriate for people with impotence to do something about their problem as soon as possible.

The Science of Getting Hard

Impotence is the inability to have an erection. Erection is the state wherein the penis is enlarged and firm, which is a very important factor in the reproductive process. Erection enables sexual intercourse and other sexual activities that are essential in reproduction. Erection depends on a complex interaction of the psychological and physical, including neural, vascular and endocrine factors.

A penis goes in the erectile state when the corpora cavernosa, the dual-tubular structure of the male genitals, becomes engorged with venous blood. Another tubular structure of the penis, the corpus spongiosum where the urine and semen passes through during urination and ejaculation respectively, also gets engorged with blood during an erection. This may result from various physiological stimuli, also known as sexual arousal. When a guy is sexually aroused, he usually experiences an erection. But this is not possible if one is suffering erectile dysfunction.

ED And Its Causes

Men that are incapable of having erections can attribute their problem with many different causes. And these causes can be divided into two categories, physiological and psychological. The former, obviously deals with more biological factors while the latter, with states that involves the mental health.

Some of the physiological causes of impotence include neurogenic disorders including Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, hormonal disorders such as pituitary vascular disease and testosterone deficiency, arterial disorders including hypertension and vascular diseases, and a cavernosal disorder known as Peyronie’s disease.

On the other hand, psychological causes of ED includes most mental disorders like clinical depression, schizophrenia, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, personality disorder, psychological problems and negative feelings.

Aging can also be a factor that causes impotence because the body, including a man’s sexual health, is slowly deteriorating. It can also be iatrogenic or caused by medicines or substance abuse, like antihypertensive drugs. One’s lifestyle can also be attributed with this sexual dysfunction like excessive smoking, excessive alcohol intake and poor diet.

2 comments so far.

  1. Anonymous September 1, 2009 at 4:09 PM
    I get a Viagra Online Prescription to treat my ED problem. so your comment DR.Metra helps me to know the side effects , thank you!!
  2. Anonymous November 4, 2014 at 9:55 PM
    Your body signals you for any abnormalities it may feel. It could be in the form of pain and others. The most important thing is that you are listening and doing something out of those signals.

    Erectile dysfunction can be treated and there are a lot of ways to get rid of it, as long as you have the desire to change something within you. entrusted extenze website

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