Male Patter Baldness, Explained

Going bald and losing hair is a fact of life for millions of men. Adults lose about 10,000 scalp hairs each day. Hair normally lives for around five years. With male pattern baldness these hairs do not always get replaced and gradually bald areas appear. This process can however take a long time and the age at which you start to lose hair does not necessarily provide any clues as to how long it will be until you define yourself as bald.

Most men are genetically predisposed to male pattern baldness. It is the effect of hormones on the hair follicle that produces male pattern baldness. Testosterone, a hormone that is present in high levels in males after puberty, is converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase. DHT has an adverse affect on the hair follicles. Acting on a hormone receptor on the hair follicle it slows down hair production and produces weak, shorter hair, sometimes it stops hair growth from the follicle completely. This process gradually depletes your stock of hair and is normal hair loss.

Baldness can also be caused by several illnesses and conditions. These health conditions that can cause male hair loss include:
  • High temperature associated with infections or flu.
  • Thyroid and pituitary problems
  • Some medical treatments; radiotherapy, side effects of medications such as interferon, chemotherapy and steroids can all cause hair loss.
  • Stress
  • Psychological problems such as trichotillomania where some people pull out their hair
  • Exposure to dangerous chemicals such as thallium acetate
  • Fungal infections of the scalp
  • Ringworm
  • Burns
  • Alpaca Areata Universalis, where the whole body is affected, or totalis where the whole of the scalp becomes bald.
Profinast is a special combination of fine herbs, vitamins and nutrients. Profinast provides nutritional support right from the scalp to the hair root. One of the main reasons of hair loss in men is formation of DHT, a male hormone. Profinast works to stop hair loss and improve hair re-growth on male-pattern baldness. Profinast works by blocking the formation of DHT, which is a male hormone responsible for hair shrinkage, eventually leading to hair fall. Thus, Profinast helps reverse hair follicle shrinkage, promote hair re-growth and provide nutrition to the overall scalp.

Profinast is 100% safe and all natural formula containing fine herbs, essential vitamins and important nutrients to arrest hair fall immediately. Profinast doesn’t contain any synthetic chemicals or harmful compounds, and it doesn’t have any reported side effects. But as the rule goes, if you are unsure of your medical condition, or suffering from any critical ailment, please review all the ingredients with your health care professional.

Profinast is meant to reverse hair loss in heavy hair loss situations and hair re-growth in male-pattern baldness.

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