Take Off That Chest Burden, Say Bye-bye to Asthma

Category: , , , , , , By lawriter
Asthma is a chronic condition involving the respiratory system in which the airways occasionally constrict, become inflamed, and are lined with excessive amounts of mucus, often in response to one or more triggers. These episodes may be triggered by such things as exposure to an environmental stimulant such as an allergen, environmental tobacco smoke, cold or warm air, perfume, pet dander, moist air, exercise or exertion, or emotional stress. In children, the most common triggers are viral illnesses such as those that cause the common cold. This airway narrowing causes symptoms such as wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing. The airway constriction responds to bronchodilators. Between episodes, most patients feel well but can have mild symptoms and they may remain short of breath after exercise for longer periods of time than the unaffected individual. The symptoms of asthma, which can range from mild to life threatening, can usually be controlled with a combination of drugs and environmental changes.

Asthma is caused by a complex interaction of genetic and environmental factors that researchers do not fully understand yet. These factors can also influence how severe a person’s asthma is and how well they respond to medication. As with other complex diseases, many genetic and environmental factors have been suggested as causes of asthma, but not all of them have been replicated. In addition, as researchers detangle the complex causes of asthma, it is becoming more evident that certain environmental and genetic factors may only affect asthma when combined.

The hygiene hypothesis is a theory about the cause of asthma and other allergic disease, and is supported by epidemiologic data for asthma. For example, asthma prevalence has been increasing in developed countries along with increased use of antibiotics, c-sections, and cleaning products. All of these things may negatively affect exposure to beneficial bacteria and other immune system modulators that are important during development, and thus may cause increased risk for asthma and allergy.

Many environmental risk factors have been associated with asthma, including the following:
  • Poor air quality, from traffic pollution or high ozone levels, has been repeatedly associated with increased asthma morbidity and has a suggested association with asthma development that needs further research.
  • Environmental tobacco smoke, especially maternal cigarette smoking, is associated with high risk of asthma prevalence and asthma morbidity, wheeze, and respiratory infections.
  • Viral respiratory infections at an early age, along with siblings and day care exposure, may be protective against asthma, although there have been controversial results, and this protection may depend on genetic context.
  • Antibiotic use early in life has been linked to development of asthma in several examples; it is thought that antibiotics make one susceptible to development of asthma because they modify gut flora, and thus the immune system (as described by the hygiene hypothesis).
  • Caesarean sections have been associated with asthma when compared with vaginal birth; a meta-analysis found a 20% increase in asthma prevalence in children delivered by Caesarean section compared to those who were not. It was proposed that this is due to modified bacterial exposure during Caesarean section compared with vaginal birth, which modifies the immune system (as described by the hygiene hypothesis).
  • Psychological stress on the part of a child's caregiver has been associated with asthma, and is an area of active research. Stress can modify behaviors that affect asthma, like smoking, but research suggests that stress has other effects as well. There is growing evidence that stress may influence asthma and other diseases by influencing the immune system.
Over 100 genes have also been associated with asthma in at least one genetic association study. However through the end of 2005, only 25 genes had been associated with asthma in six or more separate populations:
  • GSTM1
  • IL10
  • CTLA4
  • SPINK5
  • LTC4S
  • LTA
  • GRPA
  • NOD1
  • CC16
  • GSTP1
  • STAT6
  • NOS1
  • CCL5
  • TBXA2R
  • TGFB1
  • IL4
  • IL13
  • CD14
  • ADRB2 (ß-2 adrenergic receptor)
  • HLA-DRB1
  • HLA-DQB1
  • TNF
  • FCER1B
  • IL4R
  • ADAM33
Many of these genes are related to the immune system or to modulating inflammation. However, even among this list of highly replicated genes associated with asthma, the results have not been consistent among all of the populations that have been tested. This indicates that these genes are not associated with asthma under every condition, and that researchers need to do further investigation to figure out the complex interactions that cause asthma.

In some individuals asthma is characterized by chronic respiratory impairment. In others it is an intermittent illness marked by episodic symptoms that may result from a number of triggering events, including upper respiratory infection, stress, airborne allergens, air pollutants (such as smoke or traffic fumes), or exercise. Some or all of the following symptoms may be present in those with asthma: dyspnea, wheezing, stridor, coughing, an inability for physical exertion. Some asthmatics who have severe shortness of breath and tightening of the lungs never wheeze or have stridor and their symptoms may be confused with a COPD-type disease.

Signs of an asthmatic episode include wheezing, prolonged expiration, a rapid heart rate (tachycardia), rhonchous lung sounds (audible through a stethoscope), the presence of a paradoxical pulse (a pulse that is weaker during inhalation and stronger during exhalation), and over-inflation of the chest. During a serious asthma attack, the accessory muscles of respiration (sternocleidomastoid and scalene muscles of the neck) may be used, shown as in-drawing of tissues between the ribs and above the sternum and clavicles.

There are several known solutions for asthma and shortness of breath that have been tried all these years. But recently, a faster and more effective way to stop this condition have been found. And not only that, it is also safe because it is 100% natural. And it is called No-Gasp.

No-Gasp has nutritional resources that aid the airways to neutralize and reject airborne particles such as environmental pollutants, pollen grains, dust particles and other allergens, thereby protecting the delicate tissues of the respiratory system. Thus, No-Gasp will be very effective to stop any asthmatic conditions, irritation of airways, congested air pipe, difficulty in breathing and inflammation of lungs and bronchi.

By just taking two to three capsules of No-Gasp everyday, you will see the all-natural ingredients of this product take its effect in getting rid of your asthma and shortness of breath. There are also no side effects in taking this product, making it the most effective and safest drug for any respiratory condition.

Just take No-Gasp, and in no time, you will be breathing fresh air just like you're intended to.

Kids Can Get Arthritis Too

Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), formerly known as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA), is the most common form of persistent arthritis in children. JIA is sometimes referred to as juvenile chronic arthritis (JCA), a term that is not precise as JIA does not encompass all forms of chronic childhood arthritis. Arthritis is the inflammation of the synovium (the lining tissues) of a joint.

JIA is a subset of arthritis seen in childhood, which may be transient and self-limited or chronic. It differs significantly from arthritis commonly seen in adults (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis), and other types of arthritis that can present in childhood which are chronic conditions (e.g. psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis).

Symptoms of JIA are often non-specific initially, and include lethargy, reduced physical activity, and poor appetite (often due to medication). The first manifestation, particularly in young children, may be limping. Children may also become quite ill, presenting with flu-like syptoms that persist. The cardinal clinical feature is persistent swelling of the affected joints, which commonly include the knee, ankle, wrist and small joints of the hands and feet. Swelling may be difficult to detect clinically, especially for joints such as those of the spine, sacroiliac joints, shoulder, hip and jaw, where imaging techniques such as ultrasound or MRI are very useful.

Pain is an important feature of JIA, but young children may have difficulty in communicating this symptom. Late effects of arthritis include joint contracture (stiff, bent joint) and joint damage. Children with JIA vary in the degree to which they are affected by particular symptoms.

The cause of JIA is unknown and currently an area of active research. Current understanding of JIA suggests that it arises in a genetically susceptible individual due to environmental factors.

There are three major types of JIA:
  • oligoarticular JIA - affects 5 or fewer joints in the first 6 months of illness. It was previously known as pauciarticular JIA.
  • polyarticular JIA - affects 5 or more joints in the first 6 months of disease. This subtype can include the affect of the neck and jaw as well as the small joints usually affected. This type of JIA is more common in small girls to that of boys.
  • systemic JIA (Still's Disease) - is characterized by arthritis, fever and a salmon pink rash. Systemic JIA can be challenging to diagnose because the fever and rash come and go. It affects males and females equally, unlike the other two subtypes of JIA. Systemic JIA may have internal organ involvement and lead to serositis (e.g. pericarditis).
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis affects an estimated 300,000 children in the United States. Of these children, 50 percent have pauciarticular JIA, 40 percent have polyarticular JIA and 10 percent have systemic JIA.

But kids and parents need not to worry. Because there is a sure way they can battle this condition plaguing theit cheerful youth. And it is called JOYNT.

JOYNT is a natural cure for arthritic conditions, osteoarthritis, seronegative and seropositive arthritis, non-specific arthritis, cervical spondylitis, ankylosing spondylitis and muscle and joint pain. It works by controlling the degenerative process of the bones. JOYNT promotes healing by maintaining the viscosity, fluidity, biochemical characteristics and enzymatic activity of the synovial fluid in the joints. It also provides nourishment to joint cartilages.

By just taking two capsules of JOYNT a day, full effects of the suplement will manifest itself only after a few weeks. Natural herbal remedies provide progressive and long lasting relief, aside from having no negative side effects.

So if you're having experiencing pain on your bones and joints, all you need is JOYNT.

Fight BPH, Reclaim Your Sex Life

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) also known as nodular hyperplasia, benign prostatic hypertrophy or benign enlargement of the prostate (BEP) refers to the increase in size of the prostate in middle-aged and elderly men. It is characterized by hyperplasia of prostatic stromal and epithelial cells, resulting in the formation of large, fairly discrete nodules in the periurethral region of the prostate. When sufficiently large, the nodules compress the urethral canal to cause partial, or sometimes virtually complete, obstruction of the urethra which interferes the normal flow of urine. It leads to symptoms of urinary hesitancy, frequent urination, increased risk of urinary tract infections and urinary retention.

Though treatments to this condition is not that hard to find, nearly all of it have the potential to cause sexual problems. For instance, surgery and radiation therapy can result in erectile dysfunction, and BPH medications and hormone therapy can produce both erectile dysfunction and reduced sex drive. Even the anxiety and stress associated with having a prostate disorder can affect erectile function and interest in sex.

But not anymore. Because if you are having a hard time peeing and you don't want to suffer loss in your sexual libido and sexual performance, you can take a new miracle cure called URINFLO.

If it takes you a long time to urinate, then you need URINFLO. Clinically tested and proven to be one of the few medicines that can permanently combat BPH that effects up to 55% of men. URINFLO is a natural non-prescription medicine for curing Benign prostatic Hyperplasia which is a common condition among older men causing morbidity primarily through lower urinary tract symptoms.

The main constituents of URINFLO are Small Caltrops, Teri Pods, Asparagus, Pinang Palm, and Three Leaved Caper. Small Caltrops has analgesic, antibacterial, diuretic and smooth muscle relaxant properties. The diuretic, analgesic and antibacterial properties found in Tribulus terrestris are utilized and found beneficial in treating the symptoms of prostatic enlargement such as hematuria, painful micturition and dysuria11, 12.

These ingredients are all-natural, making URINFLO very safe, at the same time also effective to fight this dreaded disease without suffering the cimplications of lowered sexual desire common to other treatments for BPH. URINFLO also has no other side effects.

Goodbye Premature Ejaculation

Many men occasionally ejaculate sooner during sexual intercourse than they or their partner would like. As long as it happens infrequently, it's probably not cause for concern. However, if you regularly ejaculate sooner than you and your partner wish — such as before intercourse begins or shortly afterward — you may have a condition known as premature ejaculation.

Premature ejaculation is a common sexual disorder. Estimates vary, but some experts think it affects as many as one out of three men. Even though it's a common problem that can be treated, many men feel embarrassed to talk to their doctors about it or seek treatment.

Once thought to be purely psychological, experts now know that biological factors also play an important role in premature ejaculation. In some men, premature ejaculation is related to erectile dysfunction.

You don't have to live with premature ejaculation — treatments including medications, psychological counseling and learning sexual techniques to delay ejaculation can improve sex for you and your partner. For many men, a combination of treatments works best.

Doctors often classify premature ejaculation as either primary or secondary:
  • primary premature ejaculation - the problem for as long as you've been sexually active
  • secondary premature ejaculation - developed the condition after having had previous, satisfying sexual relationships without ejaculatory problems
Experts are still trying to determine exactly what causes premature ejaculation. While it was once thought to be only psychological, we now know premature ejaculation is more complicated and involves a complex interaction of both psychological and biological factors.

Psychological causes includes:
  • Situations in which you may have hurried to reach climax in order to avoid being discovered
  • Guilty feelings that increase your tendency to rush through sexual encounters
  • Men who are anxious about obtaining or maintaining their erection during sexual intercourse may form a pattern of rushing to ejaculate which can be difficult to change
  • Anxiety
On the other hand, biological causes can also be attributed for this condition, like:
  • Abnormal hormone levels
  • Abnormal levels of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters
  • Abnormal reflex activity of the ejaculatory system
  • Certain thyroid problems
  • Inflammation and infection of the prostate or urethra
  • Inherited traits
  • Nervous system damage resulting from surgery or trauma
  • Withdrawal from narcotics or a drug called trifluoperazine (Stelazine), used to treat anxiety and other mental health problems
There are various factors can increase your risk of premature ejaculation, including:
  • Impotence. You may be at increased risk of premature ejaculation if you occasionally or consistently have trouble getting or maintaining an erection. Fear of losing your erection may cause you to rush through sexual encounters. As many as one in three men with premature ejaculation also have trouble maintaining an erection.
  • Health problems. If you have a medical concern that causes you to feel anxious during sex, such as a heart problem, you may have an increased likelihood of hurrying to ejaculate.
  • Stress. Emotional or mental strain in any area of your life can play a role in premature ejaculation, often limiting your ability to relax and focus during sexual encounters.
  • Certain medications. Rarely, drugs that influence the action of chemical messengers in the brain (psychotropics) may cause premature ejaculation.
In some cases, premature ejaculation may be caused by poor communication between partners or a lack of understanding of the differences between male and female sexual functioning. Women typically require more prolonged stimulation than men do to reach orgasm, and this difference can cause sexual resentment between partners and add pressure to sexual encounters. For many men, feeling pressure during sexual intercourse increases the risk of premature ejaculation.

Open communication between sexual partners, as well as a willingness to try a variety of approaches to help both partners achieve satisfaction, can help reduce conflict and performance anxiety. If you're not satisfied with your sexual relationship, talk with your partner about your concerns. Try to approach the topic in a loving way and to avoid blaming your partner for your dissatisfaction.

But this still takes time. There are already hundreds of faster and better way to combat this serious condition. And the most effective way is by using an all-natural product called Last Longer.

Last Longer is a non prescription, 100% natural herbal supplement that cures premature ejaculation and is suitable for men of all ages.

Last Longer acts on the hypothalamatic sensors of the brain that regulate sexual excitement. By lowering the hyper activity of the sexual sensors, this product helps you to prolong the penetration time and delays of ejaculation by up to 20 minutes.

By just taking two pills daily for 6 months, and you should be permanently cured of the problem. Take the pills 30 minutes after food, with a large glass of water. Some patients may requires a repeat course. The effects from taking last longer are experienced within the first week. During the course, especially the first 3 months it is important to be very disciplined and not miss any dose.

Last Longer has no known side effects. If you have any serious health concerns, or taking other medications, you should review the ingredients with your doctor.

Vaginal Dryness and Ways to Stop It

Category: , , , , , By lawriter
When your vagina isn't properly lubricated, it can feel itchy and irritated. Vaginal dryness may make some daily activities uncomfortable, and it can make sexual intercourse less pleasurable. In fact, during menopause, vaginal dryness is a common cause of discomfort or pain during sex (dyspareunia).

Vaginal dryness is a common condition. It can affect women of all ages, though vaginal dryness most often occurs during and after the menopausal transition. An estimated 10 percent to 40 percent of women who've reached menopause have signs and symptoms related to vaginal dryness.

Aside from dryness, some of the signs and symptoms include:
  • itching
  • burning
  • a feeling of pressure
  • pain or light bleeding with sex
  • urinary frequency or urgency
A variety of conditions can cause vaginal dryness. Determining the cause is key to helping you find an appropriate solution. Potential causes include:
  • Decreased estrogen levels due to menopause or perimenopause, childbirth, breast-feeding, effects on ovaries from cancer therapy including radiation therapy, hormone therapy and chemotherapy, surgical removal of your ovaries, immune disorders and cigarette smoking
  • Medications
  • Sjogren's syndrome
  • Douching
There are also different approach to the treatment of this problem, including:
  • Vaginal estrogen therapy
  • Vaginal estrogen cream
  • Vaginal estrogen ring
  • Vaginal estrogen tablet
But another way of stopping the worsening of vaginal dryness, at the same time enjoying it is using lubes like Diva Redz and Diva Blues.

Diva Redz is an all-natural lube which makes it up to you when your own natural lube fails you. With remarkable lubricating and moisturizing properties, this water-soluble, non-toxic lube imitates natural body fluids to near perfection.

Diva Blues is an all-natural pleasure enhancing tingling lubricant that helps you out when natural lube lets you down. Its refreshing minty taste and fragrance adds an additional element to your sexual ventures. Diva Blues is the X factor that’s missing from your girl’s life...

Both of these are personal lubricants that make friction seems absolutely non-existent, and while it’s at it, it also warms you up just that little bit to get you started, enough for you to run a mile with it.

Diva Redz has exceptional lubricating and moisturizing properties which imitate the function of body fluids remarkably. This warming lubricant (a type of personal lubricant) creates a gentle heating effect when applied to erogenous zones (e.g. genitalia). This leads to an increase in physical sensitivity and the intensity of sexual pleasure for both partners engaged in the sexual activity.
Diva Blues has exceptional lubricating and moisturizing properties which imitate the function of body fluids almost identically. This tingling lubricant (a type of personal lubricant) creates a tingling effect when applied to erogenous zones. This leads to an increase in physical sensitivity and the intensity of sexual pleasure for both partners engaged in sex.

All the ingredients that have been used in the formulation of Diva Redz and Diva Blues are completely natural, and have been used as personal enhancers since ancient times. These products are completely safe.

Why Viagra is Bad For You

Viagra, which is also called sildenefil citrate, is a drug used for treating male impotence or erectile dysfunction and pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). This product was developed and being sold by the pharmaceutical company Pfizer. It is also being sold by other pharmaceutical companies as Revatio, Cialis (tadalafil), and Levitra (vardenafil).

Though these products promised that it can cure ED and PAH, there are also various health risks involved in the consumption of it. First of all are the contraindications it has including:
  • When taking nitric oxide donors, organic nitrites and nitrates, such as glyceryl trinitrate (nitroglycerin), sodium nitroprusside, amyl nitrite ("poppers")
  • In men for whom sexual intercourse is inadvisable due to cardiovascular risk factors
  • Severe hepatic impairment (decreased liver function)
  • Severe impairment in renal function
  • Hypotension (low blood pressure)
  • Recent stroke or heart attack
  • Hereditary degenerative retinal disorders (including genetic disorders of retinal phosphodiesterases)
Also, taking these product may also have different side effects such as:
  • sneezing
  • headache
  • flushing
  • dyspepsia
  • cardiac palpitation
  • photophobia
More serious side effects of taking Viagra includes:
  • priapism
  • severe hypotension
  • myocardial infarction
  • ventricular arrhythmias
  • stroke
  • increased intraocular pressure
Men taking protease inhibitors in treating their HIV infections should cautiously use sildenafil citrate, because protease inhibitors inhibit the body's metabolism of sildenafil, so multiplying the sildenafil level in the blood plasma, thereby increasing the possible incidence and severity of side-effects. Men using protease inhibitors should limit using sildenafil to no more than one 25mg dose every 48 hours.

Some sildenafil users have complained of cyanopsia, blue-tinted eyesight. Some complained of blurred vision and decreased peripheral vision. In May of 2005, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration found that sildenafil use might cause impaired eyesight, moreover, some studies have linked sildenafil use with nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy.

In October 2007, the FDA announced that all PDE5 inhibitors — including sildenafil — require more prominent warning of the potential risk of sudden deafness, learned from post-marketing reports citing deafness associated with using PDE5 inhibitors.

When sildenafil citrate is used while also taking an alpha blocker, hypotension might occur, but sudden low blood pressure does not occur if the doses (tablets) are consumed at an inter-dose interval of at least four hours.

But ED-sufferers should never worry. Because a new product that is promised to be as good as Viagra, at the same time safer because of its natural properties have been discovered. And it is called Horny Goat Weed.

Horny goat weed gives you everything that expect from a sexual enhancement pill minus the side-effects. Horny goat weed is a safe, legal and cheap substitute to other pharmaceutical pills that promises cure for male impotence. It’s not only economical, but also requires no prescription from your doctor. The natural elements ensure that you achieve maximum pleasure and contentment in the safest way.

Horny Goat Weed supports and enhances:
  • erectile dysfunction
  • sexual stamina and sensation
  • orgasms
  • performance
Horny Goat Weed works by increasing nitric oxide levels, which relax smooth muscle. This lets more blood flow to the penis and other smooth muscle.

In addition to this mechanism, it also acts as a mild PDE-5 inhibitor. As more blood flows to the genitals parts, PDE-5 metabolizes the nitric oxide almost as fast as it is being produced to keep it in check. This is called priapism. Viagra works by blocking the production of the PDE-5 enzyme. Horny Goat Weed produces small amount of PDE-5 inhibitors within safe levels.

Horny goat weed is absolutely safe, natural and has no known side-effects. Horny goat weed is risk free & effective even among individuals suffering other ailments such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes etc.

The leaves & the stems are the only parts used. They are either dried & powdered or used as a liquid herbal extract. The leaves of Epimedium hold a mixture of flavonoids, polysaccharides, sterols and an alkaloid called magnaflorine. This herb has a reputation to reinstate sexual drive, improve erectile function & relieve fatigue.

By just taking one pill 45 minutes before sex, you are guaranteed to have full use of your tools in satisfying your lady love. So what are waiting for, order Horny Goat Weed now!

Uncovering the Mystery of the Female Orgasm

An orgasm (sexual climax) is the conclusion of the plateau phase of the sexual response cycle, and may be experienced by both males and females. Orgasm is characterized by intense physical pleasure, controlled by the involuntary, or autonomic, nervous system. It is accompanied by quick cycles of muscle contraction in the lower pelvic muscles, which surround the primary sexual organs and the anus. Orgasms are often associated with other involuntary actions, including muscular spasms in other areas of the body, a general euphoric sensation, and frequently, vocalizations.

However, orgasm is a bit more difficult for female. Added to this a condition known as female sexual arousal disorder. Female sexual arousal disorder (FSAD) occurs when a woman is continually unable to attain or maintain arousal and lubrication during intercourse, is unable to reach orgasm, or has no desire for sexual intercourse. The disorder typically affects up to 25 percent of all American women, or an estimated 47 million women. Three-fourths of women with FSAD are postmenopausal. Women describe it as being "unable to get turned on," or being continually disinterested in sex. It is also called "frigidity." Other terms for the disorder include dyspareunia and vaginismus, both of which involve pain during intercourse.

There are numerous causes of this disorder including:
  • physical problems, such as endometriosis, cystitis,or vaginitis
  • systemic problems, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or hypothyroidism. Even pregnancy or the postpartum period (time after delivery of a child) may affect desire. Menopause is also known to reduce sexual desire.
  • medications, including oral contraceptives, anti-depressants, antihypertensives, and tranquilizers
  • surgery, such as mastectomy or hysterectomy which may affect how a woman feels about her sexual self.
  • stress
  • depression
  • use of alcohol, drugs, or cigarette smoking
Symptoms of this condition may vary. A woman may have no desire for sex, or may not be able to maintain arousal, or may be unable to reach orgasm. She may also have pain during sex or orgasm, which interferes with her desire for intercourse. To make a diagnosis, a woman's physician - either family doctor, gynecologist, or even urologist—takes a complete medical history to determine when the problem started, how it presents, how severe it is, and what the patient thinks may be causing it. The doctor will also conduct a complete physical examination, looking for any abnormalities in the genital region.

But good thing, there are various ways to treat this condition. First of which is by having a professional provide education about the disorder and recommending various non-medical treatment strategies such as:
  • use of erotic materials, such as vibrators, books, magazines and videos
  • sensual massage, avoiding the genitals
  • position changes to reduce pain
  • use of lubricants to moisten the vagina and genital area
  • kegel exercises to strengthen the vagina and clitoris
  • therapy to overcome any relationship or sexual abuse issues
However, these solutions take time before they work. Good thing a new way to combat female sexual arousal disorder have been discovered. And it is called DIVA.

DIVA is a female libido designed especially for women's needs and sexual pleasure, the mental/ psychological self is also aroused and ripe for climax. While conventional drugs treat female impotency by redirecting blood flow to sexual organs, Diva goes one step further by also fixing the problem at the libido level. This is important because many women cannot achieve a satisfying orgasm not because of the problem with blood flow, but due to a lack of desire.

Diva, with its unique combination of herbs, helps to enhance blood flow to the sex organs and also boost the libido by increasing sex hormonal levels. Diva is not only for sexual enhancement. The unique combination of herbs that we have specially prepared actually helps to improve your blood circulation, energy level and overall health and well-being.

By just taking two capsules a day, one in the morning and one before going to be, you are sure that the natural ingredients of Diva will work overtime to ensure that you have a very healthy sex life. This product is also safe because it is made up of only 100% natural components.